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Upload your images

There are a number of ways you can get your images to us and we're happy to work with whatever you're more comfortable with. This can be Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer or upload to us here. If you prefer we can also take images on disk or usb drive if you'd rather post them to us (please provide a disposable USB stick/drive if posting images as we're unable to return drives - please contact us for details).


Select your main image for the mosaic:

It's recommended to have a good resolution main image, something like 3000 pixels wide to give good detail within each tile crop.

Piggy Back

* When uploading files please enter details that match those used when placing your order. Thanks

Select your tile images:

It's recommended to have as many tile images as possible, something like 350 to 500 as a minimum for nice results but the more you have the better the end mosaic can be. Having a tile library of 1k+ images for best quality results. Tile images do not need to be super high resolution and recommended not to be to make upload easier & faster. Something between 800 & 2000 pixels wide in JPEG format should be perfect.

Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 21.10.03.png

Image Selection


Here are some examples to help with selecting a good main image for the basis of your mosaic. We're also here to help give you guidance selecting the image that will produce the best results. There are a couple of factors to consider when choosing your main image & tile images. For more detailed guidance, please see our getting the best results for your mosaic in our blog.

Portrait of a Girl

Large areas of broad detail that fill frame, fine details can't be captured

Family Portrait

Too many small and fine details that will not be resolved

Image by Brooke Cagle

Plain or defocused backgrounds help focus the detail where it's needed

Image by Daniel Rigdon

Background has lots of distracting detail & contrast

Image by Dani

Good tonal range in image, brighter images tend to work better

Image by Marshal Quast

Image has too much black and too dark overall

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