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Collage style options

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

At MyPhotoFusion we offer options to create any style of photo collage you like. From standard photo panels to larger letter, number or shape arrangements. We can also provide bespoke custom design if you have something specific in mind. Bellow we outline some of the common style options available and hopefully it gives you an idea as to what's possible and what will work best for your needs.

The difference with collage images we provide is there is no limit on the number of images within the collage, the only limiting factor is the size of the print / final image. Ideally you want to clearly see all the images in your collage so the bigger you go the more you can add.

Shape Collage

The shape collage is where we arrange the photos into the desired shape, this can be great for things like hearts, paw prints, shapes that work well / distinguishable from silhouette etc.

Letter Collage

The letter or number collage is great for things like names or numbers to arrange your images onto or behind if masking by the text or number. Perfect for family names, kids names, big birthdays like 30,40,50,60 etc. Tiles can be grid aligned, random place, fixed or varying sized.

Photo Collage

The more traditional photo collage layouts are great for showcasing a lot of images together and adding in text or message within the collage. Text can be added onto any of our collage images if you want to add that personal touch. There are so many things you can do with photo layouts and there are hundreds of possible layouts with varying number of tiles & patterns. Some of the options you could use are adding space within the collage to add text / message or you can add the text as an overlay onto the collage images, you can also just keep the collage clean and simple and add a small message under the image.

We're happy to work with you on a specific design, the layout of the images, number, orientation, size, tile shapes, alignment, text and messages etc. Please contact us for more information.

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